Lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time, enduring, continually recurring
Alamo Vine
Arkansas Penstemon
Balsam Gourd
Berlandier's Sundrops
Big Blue Sage, Azure Sage
Black-eyed Susan
Blue False Indigo
Blue Flax
Browneyed Susan
Carolina Jessamine
Chile Petin
Coreopsis, "Early Sunrise"
Coreopsis, Lance-Leaf
Cutleaf Daisy (Engleman's)
Eastern Red Columbine
Falst Spotted St. Johnswort
Forsythia Sage
Fringed Twinevine
Giant Coneflower
Gray Golden Rod
Greggs Mist Flower
Guara, White
Hill Country Penstemon
Honeysuckle, Coral
Honeysuckle, Yellow
Hummingbird Mint
Lanceleaf Blanketflower
Large-Flowered Guara
Mexican Bush Sage
Penstemon, Brazos
Prairie Rosinweed, Prairie Dock
Purple Coneflower
Purplehead Sneezeweed
Salvia, "Henry Duelberg"
Salvia, Big Red
Salvia, Mealy Blue
Salvia, Tropical Red
Skullcap, Pink
Slender Rosinweed
Snapdragon Vine
Spotted Beebalm
Tall Thistle
Texas Betony
Texas Coneflower
Texas Gold Columbine
Texas Greeneyes
Texas Lantana
Texas Spiderwort
Twisleaf Goldenrod
Verbena, Prairie
Virginia Creeper
Virginia Dayflower
White Yarrow
Zexmenia, Orange
and more!
American Smoke Tree
American Sweetgum
American Sycamore (NWB)
Anacacho Orchid Tree
Arroyo Sweetwood
Blackjack Oak
Box Elder (TTD)
Chihuahuan Orchid
Desert Willow, "Art's Seedless"
Desert Willow, "Desert Diva"
Desert Willow, "Lucretia Hamilton"
Desert Willow, Bubba
Eastern Persimmon
Eastern Red Cedar
Eve's Necklace
Goldenball Lead Tree
Loblolly Pine (Bastrop)
Mexican Buckeye
Oak, Burr
Oak, Chinquapin (MSW)
Oak, Lacey
Oak, Mexican White (Monterrey)
Pecan, Native
Red Bay, Sweet Bay
Redbud, Texas
Roughleaf Dogwood
Southern Wax Myrtle
Sugar Hackberry (TTD)
Sumac, Prairie Flame Leaf
Texas Persimmon
and more!
Agave, Blue (Centrury Plant)
Agave, Whale's Tongue
Artichoke Agave
False Aloe
New Mexico Agave
Pincushion Cactus
Pine Apple Cactus
Prickly Pear, Old Mexico
Prickly Pear, Spineless
Queen Victoria Agave
Squid Agave
Texas False Agave, Guapilla
Texas Rainbow, Spiny Hedgehog
Turk's Head Cactus
and more!